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PASSI Giuseppe – La monstruosa fucina delle sordidezze de gl’huomini – 1603

Il prezzo originale era: €557.00.Il prezzo attuale è: €390.00.

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PASSI Giuseppe – La monstruosa fucina delle sordidezze de gl’huomini Nuovamente formata, e posta in luce. Da Giuseppe Passi Ravennate nell’Academia de’Signori Informi di Ravenna l’Ardito. Con tre tavole, la Prima de i Discorsi contenuti nell’Opera, la Seconda de gl’Autori, la Terza delle cose notabili. Al Serenissimo Vincenzo Gonzaga Duca di Mantova, e di Monferrato – 1603. In Venetia, appresso Iacobo Antonio Somascho. Full limp coeval vellum, handwritten title on the spine; quarto, cm 19,6; leaves (1b) (20) 119 (2b); a few lacks at the binding, which is also a little relaxed, old ownership note on the first blank, handwritten and dated 1659 ex libris on the title page, some light halos, a burning trace – due to old ink – on leaf 40, which halo affects also the previous and the following one leaf. Printer’s mark (a riding centaur) in woodcut at the title page, heading and initials in woodcut also, text mainly in Italics. Curious essay on the sordidnesses typical of men. The author got through a big polemics when he published, in 1598, another treatise, Dei Donneschi Difetti, in which he stood agains women, assuming them to be inferior towards men. Probably, the academical environment in which he worked disavowed his position and this would have forced him to write this new essay, full of charges towards men